Willis Towers Watson: 8 Takeaways Regarding American Workers' 2020 Health Services Utilization

  1. 44% said they deferred medical care at some point during the pandemic.
  2. 30% said they had canceled or postponed their own appointment or treatment.
  3. 25% said their medical provider canceled or postponed an appointment or treatment.
  4. 61% of those who delayed care said they did so due to worry about the pandemic.
  5. 42% of those who delayed care were worried about money.
  6. 29% of those who deferred care said their health suffered as a result.
  7. 47% said they used virtual health services this year.
  8. 26% said they expect to increase their health care use when the pandemic ends.
Notes: Results of the 2020 Global Benefits Attitudes Survey of almost 5,000 American workers in the first half of October 2020.